Monday, August 20, 2012

This Week In The Trial Garden June 22, 2012

 Plant Of The Week

The plant of the week this week is an improved color of Angelonia from Ball FloraPlant. Archangel Raspberry Improved (  is an eye catching color and a great addition to the line. We had this in the confidential garden last year and it did very well throughout the whole season. It is a little more compact than the other colors in the series but is a great plant.

 Test Garden Open House
Our test garden open house was a great success with over a 100 people in attendance. We had representative from all the major breeding companies here to view how their new products are doing in the landscape. One pleasant surprise was the 12 local master gardeners who attended. The ladies were amazed to learn the behind the scenes of how plants go to market.

Thank You

Mark Yelanich Ph.D.

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