Saturday, August 16, 2014

Red, Red, Wine Colored Celosia and Schnapps colored Hibiscus! Friday Happy Hour in the Test Garden

In the garden today I would like to show off some of Beekenkamps Celosia! The breeders at Beekenkamp submitted a whole bunch of them this year and they are looking and flowering very nicely this late in the season.

The Kelos Magenta right now is my favorite with it dark purple foliage and nice bright flower.These plants all started as compact Celosia that would fit nicely in a 6" pot. They have grown ti fill their bed and are now Celosia shrubs!
Kelos Magenta

Beekenkamp also included some numbered ones that are looking more compact but with larger flowers. One example is this CEPL 1584 which has filled the beds but has kept it nice flower plume.

The largest flowering plant in the garden has to be this Hibiscus from Aris Green Leaf Plants. It is part of their Cordials Peppermint Schnapps. This plant has flowered pretty consistently all season with these huge flowers. These are zone 7 perennial that we will over winter and evaluate again next year.

For Chris Copeland.-Humming Bird On A Wire in the test garden!

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