Wednesday, February 27, 2013

WInter Pansy Garden Update

Fall Pansy Garden

Gardening in the winter? Yes we can do that in North Carolina. As we discussed in the last blog post, ever year we do an over wintering trial of pansies (and other fall crops) in the Test Garden. We use the plants from our October pack trial to look at the over wintering performance. We do monthly ratings  and pictures and finish up in April (before we start planting the spring/summer trial) . 

Some results from our last weeks rating (Yes it was cold).

Top Pansy/Viola Varieties:
Two of the Freefall Pansy looked especially nice. Freefall Marina and Freefall Purple Lavender Lace both scored 4. They had nice fill in and good clean flowers with little to no cold damage

Freefall Marina scored high in the pack and has been a good performer all season.

This one started off pretty slow but as really taken off in the cold.

Violas are always top garden performers in the winter.. It is always amazing how good they look after a cold snap.

One series that had some high scoring colors was Endurio (Lavender, Sky Blue, Pure Yellow). 

Other top scoring Violas were Penny (Blue, Yellow), Velocity Mimosa (we wrote about last blog), Angel (Blue, Deep Yellow), 

Next Blog: Trailing Panys/Viola Basket Trial!